Do you know that competitive athletes are actually at a higher risk of pelvic floor dysfunction? It might sound counterintuitive, but for women like Judith, this was a reality for over 20 years.
Without healthy emotional connection, life can lose its depth and meaning. Learn how to fully connect with all your emotions through my simple interoception techniques.
Body Love, Alignment & Posture, Dance, Pelvic Floor
Do you know that competitive athletes are actually at a higher risk of pelvic floor dysfunction? It might sound counterintuitive, but for women like Judith, this was a reality for over 20 years.
Without healthy emotional connection, life can lose its depth and meaning. Learn how to fully connect with all your emotions through my simple interoception techniques.
What’s the best way to exercise your pelvic floor? I always get asked to share the one best exercise. The answer is not easy, as the best exercises are the ones that take some advanced body awareness …
I was skeptical. My Pelvic Floor Integration™ method is about so much more than female genitalia, and apart from that, the word “pussy” is often used in a derogatory sense …
It’s no secret that Pussy Yoga helps you to have better orgasms. But it’s not only because of the new pelvic floor exercises, our sensuous approach has its own proven benefits …
Can you move your Tailbone? Join me for another super quick Pelvic Floor Integration exercise that you can practice anywhere! This time you will learn to wag your tail …
Join me for another super quick Pelvic Floor Integration exercise that you can practice anywhere! This time you will learn to rotate your pelvic bones. Yes, that is possible :)
Join me for a super quick Pelvic Floor Integration Exercise that you can practice anywhere! Do it in the office, on the Zoom call, at the traffic lights …
After years and years of being strict and demanding to my body, it was time to give her what she needed and to create the best conditions for her to work with this magical change she was creating …
On one hand, the circumstances of our lives have changed radically in the last 12,000 years since we humans settled, and we no longer lead the kinds of lives that our bodies were optimized for by evolution. On the other …
Do you know your inner critic? That nagging inner voice that keeps you small and holds you back from pursuing those dreams you have? Maybe it even prevents you from dreaming as big and bold as you could …
Pussy Yoga and Sensuous Dance Workout are great tools to get fit after birthing. I am an advocate for taking it slow and recovering well after giving birth before you start any kind of physical exercise. But …
This pelvic floor exercise is an easy way to locate, activate and train your pelvic floor. It’s so good, you can do it daily. You will foster your connection to your pelvic floor and over time notice how it activates and strengthens throughout your day …
Showering cold in a warm climate can already be a challenge, but showering cold when it’s cold — that’s just amazing! It pumps you up and makes you feel vibrant and alive. It’s an exciting sensuous full body experience …
Learn some of the best techniques for a healthy & elegant posture and a relaxed back, neck & body. You will love the immediate effects! But if you do them on a regular basis, you will see tremendous change in your overall health, well-being and confidence.